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412 & 413 Chouhan Park View, Junwani Rd, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh 490020

We are available 24/ 7. Call Now. +91 9165 999 333
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Webflow, Transaction Security

DeFi Armor

The most widely used custodians in DeFi do not prevent or even detect basic theft for assets on-chain. We built DeFi Armor, a simple and secure co-signer that protects your on-chain assets, without requiring you to change your custody.

Keep your signing solution the way it is, whether it's a qualified custodian, AWS KMS, or a couple of ledgers. Any transaction you initiate with DeFi Armor will route to your existing custody setup for approval.

We delivered

Ssquares Tech choose Webflow as the best CMS for DeFi Armor. Prominent features make Webflow the ideal CMS choice for DeFi Armor to effectively showcase their products and knowledge about data and smartphone security.

Team Ssquares also worked to optimize the DeFi Armor website through its innovative website design. Part of this optimization was the proof reading and editing of existing content, to ensure that DeFi Armor’s message was conveyed in the most effective manner to their customers, and that their products were being marketed in a way which emphasized their unique and useful features.

Ssquares also aided DeFi Armor in the evolution of their company, taking on the role of providing DeFi Armor with social media management, search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) services.
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